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東方明珠大酒樓 点心 Dim Sum Menu

D1. 水晶鲜虾饺(大) Shrimp Dumpling
D2. 鲜虾带子饺(大) Shrimp & Scallop Dumpling
D3. 香芋饺(中) Taro Dumpling
D4. 香煎韭菜饺(大) Chives Dumpling
D5. 潮州粉果(中) Peanut Dumpling
D6. 蟹皇虾烧卖(大) Supreme Shrimp Dumpling
D7. 烧卖(甲) Pork Dumpling
D8. 豉汁蒸排骨 (中) Ribs w. Black Bean Sauce
D9. 腐皮牛肉球(大) Beef Ball
D10. 黑椒牛仔骨(大) Veal Ribs w. Black Pepper Sauce
D11. 豉汁系风爪(中) Chicken Feet
D12. 药膳凤爪(特) Chicken Feet in Soup
D13. 姜葱牛柏叶(中) Ginger beef Tripe
D14. 京醬牛筋(中) Beef Tendon
D15. 柱侯金钱肚(大) Golden Beef Tripe
D16. 咖喱鱿鱼(大) Curry Squid
D17. 蚝油鲜竹卷(中) Bean Crud Meat Roll
D18. 腊味鱼肉丸(大) Fish Ball
D19. 白花釀茄子(大) Stuffed Eggplant
D20. 百花釀豆腐(大) Stuffed Bean Curd
D21. 百花釀青椒(大) Stuffed Pepper with Shrimp
D22. 叉燒包(F) BBQ Pork Bun
D23. 蓮蓉包(中) Lotus Paste Bun
D24. 奶皇包(中) Sweet Cream Bun
D25. 生煎菜肉包(中) Pan Fried Pork Bun
D26. 脂味糯米包(大) Sticky Rice Bun
D27. 煎香芋糕(中) Taro Cake
D28. 煎蘿卜糕(中) Turnip Cake
D29. 煎马蹄糕(中) Water Chestnut Cake
D30. 炸鲜虾丸(号大) Fried Shrimp Ball
D31. 炸鲜虾卷(大) Fried Shrimp Roll
D32. 炸素春卷(中) Fried Vegetable Roll
D33. 炸豆沙麻球(中) Sesame Ball
D34. 荷叶糯米饭(大) Sticky Rice in Lotus Leaf
D35. 生炒腊味糯米饭(大) Sticky Rice
D36. 萝卜牛什(特) Mixed Beef Tripe
D37. 香酥蛋挞仔(中) Egg Tart Custard
D38. 叉烧酥(中) BBQ Pork Pastry
D39. 焗叉烧餐包(中) Baked BBQ Pork Bun
D40. 焗菠萝奶皇包(中) Baked Sweet Cream Bun
D41. 芝麻巷(中) Sesame Roll
D42. 椰汁糕(大) Coconut Cake
D43. 马拉糕(大) Sponge Cake
D44. 豆腐花(中) Bean Crud Pudding
D45. 鲜虾肠(大) Shrimp Rice Roll
D46. 香茜牛肉肠(大) Beef Rice Roll
D47. 罗汉斋肠(中) Vegetable Rice Roll
D48. 香茜皮蛋肠(中) Preserved Egg Rice Roll
D49. 煎虾米肠(中) Pan Tried Dried Shrimp Rice Roll
D50. 皮蛋瘦肉粥 (中) Pork & Egg Congee
D51. 蚝油唐芥兰(特) Chinese Broccoli
D52. 椒盐鱿鱼(特) Salted Baked Squid in Chili
D53. 椒盐白饭鱼(特) Salted Baked Silver Fish in Chili
D54. 椒盐中虾(特) Salted Baked Shrimp in Chili
D55. 炸釀豆腐(特)Crispy Stuffed Bean Curd
D56. 美极石螺(特) Sauteed Snail
D57. 豉汁炒蚬(特) Clam in Black Bean Sauce
D58. 小笼包 Soup Dumpling

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